
[AHA2010]中心动脉血压研究现状及价值——George Bakris教授

作者:  G.L.Bakris   日期:2010/11/19 17:10:30



      <International Circulation>:Central pulse pressure is used to create a pressure profile of the patient but few data exist characterizing central pulse pressure in patients with mild to moderate chronic kidney disease. Do you think that having more pulse pressure data would be beneficial to such patients?

      Prof.Bakris:I don’t think that there’s any question that pulse pressure data and the people with basically glomerular filtration rates of less than sixty would be critical because we really lack that data right now. There are some studies, there’s growing literature that largely pioneered by the French, in terms of starting to look at this and the data that we have, clearly show an indicator that the wider the pulse pressure is the more likely they are to have cardiovascular risk. And of course we know people with GFRs less than sixty are at higher cardiovascular risk. In fact, GFRs less than sixty is a cardiovascular MI equivalent if you will, in terms of the literature. So one has to be looking at this, it’s obviously in the vessels and the stiffness of the vessels are probably key to this and we are just beginning to scratch the surface.

      <International Circulation>:Thank you, sir.

      Prof.Bakris:Thank you.

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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